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  • 主演:詹姆斯·斯图尔特/玛琳·黛德丽/格莱妮丝·约翰斯/杰克·霍金斯/简妮特·斯科特/伊丽莎白·艾兰/
  • 地区:英国/ 
  • 年份:1951 
  • 简介:Theodore Honey is an aeronautical engineer being sent to Labrador from London to examine the wreckage of a new passenger plane designed by his company. His theory is that the planes are susceptible to metal fatigue after a specific amount of time in the air. The absent minded Honey boards the Reindeer class plane and only realizes that this plane is due to fail in the next few hours after the plane is airborne. He decides to warn the crew and creates an incident regardless of whether he is right or wrong.


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