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公告 正在在线观看播放高清《萨姆曾在这里》。视频里的广告不受本站控制,请勿相信!免费在线观看萨姆曾在这里高清无删减VIP会员全集完整版,支持本站请支付宝搜索724153288领取红包!谢谢!欢迎访问草民影院。草民影视网由个人站长搭建,为自用的免费在线观看最新电影网址入口,支持手机在线播放免费看电视剧的网站,免会员免费观看VIP视频电影电视剧等,为非赢利性站点,仅供私人观看!草民影院一切资源全部来源于网络,如有侵权请来信告知!草民影视官网支持全网VIP影视资源免费观看!其他网站上能看的,这里都免费看!
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  • 主演:鲁斯蒂·乔伊纳/Sigrid La Chapelle/Rhoda Pell/Hassan Galedary/西格丽德·拉·沙佩勒/
  • 地区:法国/ 
  • 年份:2016 
  • 简介:California, Mojave Desert, 1998. A strange glow appears in the sky. Sam, a forty-something door-to-door salesman, travels through the few inhabited zones of the Californian desert in search of clients, yet everything seems deserted. What's more, his wife won't answer his calls. It's as if everyone were avoiding him. When his car breaks down, Sam becomes a prisoner of the empty, hostile environment. Alone and without human contact for days on end, he listens continuously to a talk-show on the only local radio station. The host, a man named Eddy, takes calls from listeners who share their thoughts on a child killer at large in the area. At the same time, Sam starts getting psychologically harassed by strange threats he receives on his pager. Gradually, people begin to reappear and attempt to kill him. Sam has become a target and he must now defend himself. Little by little he loses it, caught up in a paranoid identity crisis. Is he truly the killer they're after, or is he being driven ...


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