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Supreme Lord of Galaxy

  • 主演:未知/
  • 地区:大陆/ 
  • 年份:2021 
  • 简介:Star Clan, previously the top clan on Blue Earth Planet, unexpectedly came into possession of the treasure "Star Map" which arouse the attention of the Lord of the Thousand Realms, who abducted and trapped the elders of the clan in "Holy Star Territory" in order to get the map. Elder Zhuge Haohan, young clan leader Chu Xinghe, and a few disciples were the only ones left in the clan so other clans bully them for their incapability. The Eagle Gang even overtook their territory. In order to regain their honor and rescue his father and the elders, Young Leader Chu Xinghe led the rest of the disciples through the Twelve Star Realms. They beat the Twelve Star Soul All-Mighty and eventually rescued everyone from the hands of the Lord of the Thousand Realms.


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